Aham Asmi - beyond the 49th octave of vibration

This is my major HSC work, it is a 1.5m x 1.5m mandala figuratively representing ideas of the chakras and their meaning and my interpersonal relationship with each one and how they have effected my life and position in society 

Golden Lines

A photo I took on the plane flying over Japan, the sun lit up the whole country, and whilst everyone on my plane had the shutters closed to avoid the blinding glare, my window sent a golden light through the plane which bounced off the walls


Me in the middle of  the hustle and bustle of dotonburi, I really think that this image just captures the essence of Osaka

Ancient Gem

arches frame view, provide structural support

geometry is harmonious to the eye

Shiekh Lotfallah Mosque, is in my eyes one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture in the world, I was go to it for inspiration in my art making process


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